Tex和Jiayi,Aubrey(3 岁)的父母
Aubrey 今年 3 岁,9 月份入读翠林小学。 Tex和Jiayi是她的父母,分别来自新加坡和北京。他们自 2022 年底搬到巴黎开始全新生活,并为同一家全球能源公司工作。 工作原因,他们每隔几年就会搬一次家——2020 年夏天,Aubrey 在得克萨斯州休斯敦出生;2017 年秋天,他们的大儿子 Avery 在俄克拉荷马州出生。 在此之前,他们都在新加坡工作,也曾在墨西哥工作过一段时间。
“There were 2 equally important factors – firstly we were adamant Aubrey would be part of the French school system since we wanted her to be truly immersed in the local language and culture. And secondly, the big advantage of having a bilingual French-Chinese environment gives us parents a much easier time communicating with the teachers about Aubrey’s progress in school, since we could communicate in Mandarin and are both unfortunately still slowly struggling to pick up French.
A big plus as well was the school giving Aubrey daily exposure to a Mandarin-only environment, which she did not previously have before; she had already become used to speaking English at home with us when we lived in the US, while her first year in France with was in a French-only environment with her assistante-maternelle.”
How is your child’s language learning experience in a Chinese-French bilingual environment?
“It has definitely exceeded our expectations! At home, Aubrey is now able to fluently articulate her thoughts in Mandarin even after only less than 3 months in Tsui Lin. And while we are not able to properly assess her French language ability, we know from her after-school nanny that she understands and communicates very well in French like any other local child here. ”
Your comments on the Tsui Lin teaching team? The programs?
“One of the big positives we have observed about the education programs in France is the abundance of outdoor spaces, so we are definitely thrilled to see Tsui Lin incorporating an outdoor-learning day once a week into their program. We find that this not only gives the children frequent exposure to nature, and the environment outside the traditional classroom setting, but also allows them to explore other learning elements within it – such as arts and creativity, the different parts of their body etc.
Our observation about the teaching team in Tsui Lin, from the short amount of time we have interacted with them, has been very positive so far as well! We can see the passion that every teacher has for each of the children, and their excitement to share little daily tidbits on their individual learnings and how they are progressing. This is evident given the experience each teacher has in their CV; nevertheless it is something that shines through with every interaction we have had with them – so far so good! ”
In what areas do you think your child has demonstrated significant development at Tsui Lin School? (Learning, personal interests, etc.)
Would you recommend the school to your friends/family?
“在中国生活多年后,我们非常希望我们孩子的学校能够成为我们家庭双文化的自然延伸。 我们相信对一种文化的理解在很大程度上通过掌握其语言来实现。 这意味着通过在两种语言中获得基本知识,能够让我们的孩子开放视野,接触构成我们世界的多元性。
这个项目符合我们对双语教育的理念。 此外,我们认为由创始人和校长PECHOUX先生组成的团队在他们实施的教育政策方面具有可靠的优势:无论是在法国还是在中国,他们在学术领域的卓越经历,对两国教育体系的经验和理解,以及对这两个多文化环境中创业的理解。 最后,PECHOUX先生对我们问题的回答的及时性和可靠性使我们对选择感到安心。
就这样,我们满怀激情地决定让长子在 2023 学年开学时入学,并让他安心学习。”
Arnaud和Angelina,Antoine(2 岁 10 个月)的父母
Antoine 今年 2 岁 10 个月,自 9 月份新学年开始以来一直就读于翠林国际学校。 他们一家住在凡尔赛,我们请他的父母Arnaud和 Angelina在简短的采访中向我们介绍他们在学校的经历。 作为法俄混血家庭,最初他们并没有与中国或中文相关的背景,我们来听一下他们做出的选择与感言:
您对翠林教师团队 / 课程的评价?
“受蒙特梭利方法启发的教学法非常适合我们。我们看到了 Antoine 的进步,特别是成长。老师制定的教学计划非常专业,课程的进展合理,效果非常好。”
“在家里,我们注意到 Antoine 的行为有了一定的进步:他几乎能做到自己主动把玩具放好,注意力也更加集中,而且更喜欢探索新事物。自开学以来,他的语言表达更多了,人也更加自信了。”
“Antoine 有时会告诉我们他在学校喜欢做什么,尤其是午餐吃了什么。他还会说几句中文来解释他学到了什么。有时他会唱几句中文歌,尽管我们听不懂!”
![LOGOTYPE-VECTO 23](https://www.ecole-tsuilin.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/LOGOTYPE-VECTO-23.png)
École Internationale Tsui Lin
47 Quai du Président Carnot, 92210 ST-CLOUD
+33 7 64 02 61 91
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